Monday, May 18, 2009

nw currently chatting wit Ace Fighter Pilot Colonel Blood Vulture .
thats his nickname !
jus nw had NAPFA !
some pass some fail !
i forget to wear PE but i still do .
cos i gudd girl !
btw jus nw radhiyanna nvr come school .
mt period , we check exam paper .
Woohoo !
check out myy marks !
Paper 2
Booklet A - 42/42
Booklet B - 44.5/48
pro right ?
but that one onli for paper 2 .
paper 1 havent check yet .
den aft mt suddenly ms rabia come in ourr class .
cos nw is mr lee period .
budden she oso gave out the exam results for english .
Paper 1
Oral - 27/30
LC - 19/20 (WTH 1 mark gone !)
SW - 12.5/15
Compo - 27/40
highest was Glad - 33 !
Paper 2
Booklet A - 24/30
Booklet B - 30.5/65 (FAIL !)
Overall Marks : 140/200 [:
Grade : B (nt bad !)
and maths paper mr lee sayy gt 2 failure
who gott 49/100 .
is onee of them me ?
scared lehh tmr .
mr lee make us wait in suspense .